13. Chapter 4.1 - Inside The Airplane - After defeating Lepotitsa in the cockpit, head down the stairs and turn right. The emblem can be seen behind a half open shutter with spilt luggage in front. Aiming is slightly trickier as the plane is constantly swaying.
14. Chapter 4.1 - Inside The Airplane - Continue to work your way to the back of the plane, passing through passenger compartments. Head down the metal stairs and enter the cargo hold. The emblem is in a fridge to your right, with bottles of wine. Shoot/melee attack the glass, then shoot the emblem.
* Emblem 16 is probably the first you will stumble across after entering the market. However, Leon's collection cabinet displays them in the following order *
15. Chapter 4.2 - Market - After obtaining Storage Key B, turn around and head back down the alley until you see a ladder on your left (a body will have fallen here on your way to the key). Go up the ladder, turn right and climb up to the metal roof. Proceed along until you reach the top of another ladder. Turn left to face the brightly lit skyline (as if to go down the ladder). You will see the side of a flickering red billboard in the distance. The emblem is at the top of the billboard and you will need a sniper rifle to hit it. We have circled the area in red. Watch out for Rasklapanje attacks which add to the difficulty when aiming at this emblem.
16. Chapter 4.3 - Market - Enter the market area, following the path past the caged chickens. At the blue sign follow the arrow right, triggering a short scene. Take the small alley on the right, there are some open shutters to your right. The emblem can be seen on a counter in this stock room. This can also be spotted on the other side of a gate that can be un-barred to the right of the ladder where you find Storage Key B (circled in red).
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