1. Chapter 1.1 - Submarine Interior - After pushing the oxygen tanks to reveal a crawlspace, proceed through, heading along the corridor marked "Armory", turning right and stealth-killing the J'avo as necessary. You will eventually reach a staircase. Head up and the emblem is in a bedside cabinet on the right. You can shoot this without alerting the J'avo as long as you killed everybody in the area.
2. Chapter 1.2 - Submarine - Reactor - From the start of this area, open the door and head into the next area. Turn left and head towards the pillar with the white box on it. The emblem is on the reverse of the pillar.
3. Chapter 1.2 - Submarine - Reactor - After the cut scene where you fall into the depths of the sub, and "plan B" is to outrun the rising water, dash through the area until you see a mutated J'avo hanging from the ceiling. Turn left and the emblem is up and right, at the side of the ladder. This whole section is time sensitive, but there is ample opportunity to get the emblem and carry on escaping.
4. Chapter 1.3 - Submarine - Torpedo Room - From the start of this area, head forward, jumping through two doorways. In the room with two smashable crates, turn 180 degrees and the emblem is at ground level on a pipe to the right.
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