17. Chapter 5.1 - Underwater Facility 1 - You will see this emblem in the cutscene where you are released from your restraints. It is on a high pipe, in the corner of the room, opposite the door. You can't get this until you have your weapons back, which are in the next room.
18. Chapter 5.1 - Underwater Facility 1 - Once you enter the door marked "E" from the makeshift elevator, pull the lever, then head right, down the corridor, turing right at the junction. You will find yourself in an area with fridges and lab equipment. The emblem is on the middle shelf of the fridge to your left as you enter. Break the glass and shoot the emblem.
19. Chapter 5.3 - Underwater Facility 2 - In the lava-filled room with Ustanak, push the crate with your partner, dropping down to the level below. Turn 180 degrees, then go left and follow the path to the very end. The emblem is at the base of the pillar ahead.
20. Chapter 5.4 - Shipping Center - From the start of the area, head straight forward, turning right at the end. The emblem is clearly visible on the floor and must be kicked as you have no guns at this point.
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